There are knitting needles in a wide variety of materials. These materials have their very special properties, advantages and disadvantages. For many it is usually a headache, which knitting needle is more suitable for your project and for which wool, or which one is the best to choose. In this blog we would like to give you a better understanding of some of the pros and cons of the various knitting needle materials and thus help you with your decision.

What knitting needles are there?
There are three common knitting needles, the single pointed knitting needles, circular knitting needles and double pointed knitting needles.
We all know the single pointed knitting needles, probably from Grandma's hobby box. These knitting needles can be used to make flat projects such as scarves, pillows or baby blankets.Die Circular knitting needles gibt es in zwei Formen, die fixed circular knitting needles und interchangeable knitting needles. Are the needles and connecting cords tight to each other connected and not unscrewable, one speaks of Fixed circular needles. However, if the needles are not firmly connected and can be unscrewed, they are interchangeable knitting needles. The interchangeable needles have the advantage that you can easily connect any imaginable combination of cable length and needle size to suit your project. Now we come to the different materials that a knitting needle can be made of.
Bamboo needles are very popular, especially among beginners. This simple material is light and softer than wood. Bamboo needles vary in quality - bad bamboo needles bend or break easily. Our Knitterspride bamboo knitting needles promise the highest quality. A disadvantage of these needles, similar to wooden needles, is the rough surface. As a result, these needles are not suitable for wool fibers such as cotton, which do not slide well off the needles. This is another reason why bamboo needles are more suitable for those who knit loosely.
Wooden knitting needles are very popular in the knitting scene. Especially cold fingers like the warm feeling of the wooden knitting needles. Wooden needles are made of different types of wood such as birch, ebony or many more. Also here the disadvantage, due to the rough surface rather less suitable for those who knit tighter or like to use cotton yarns.
Carbon knitting needles are real luxury knitting needles. They are made of black carbon fiber and end with a brass tip. The optics are very elegant. Carbon needles are absolutely unbreakable and dimensionally stable, yet very light. These needles are ideal for socks or lace projects in particular. The perfectly tapered tip of the needle allows you to pick up the smallest stitches on your needle. Carbon knitting needles are ideal for all conceivable types of wool.
Whether steel, brass or aluminum needles, they all belong to the metal group and have one thing in common: they are stable and virtually indestructible. Brass needles consist of hollow tubes and are therefore pleasantly light despite the stable material. Aluminum needles, on the other hand, are made of solid aluminium, but are also very light because aluminum itself is a light material. Steel needles are slightly heavier than the other two materials. What you find comfortable and prefer is entirely up to you. All metal needles are suitable with any type of yarn and project. If you tend to have cold or damp hands, it is better not to use metal needles but wooden or bamboo knitting needles.
"Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while working." - Henri Matisse
While working with our Knitterspride Knitting Needles, you are sure to get plenty of inspiration.
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